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Salinas Business Phone Systems Remote Access VPN with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Install, Service, Repair...


Setting up a business for successful remote work can be a difficult undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. Our VPN access solution provides security and reliability for your organization, with essential business components that are easy to integrate into existing networks. Business internet and wireless backup create a strong network backbone, while unified communications keep everyone connected when they’re not in the same physical space. We also alert you to any potential evasive threats that may occur, giving you peace of mind while out-of-office staff remains productive. With our complete system on your side, you can count on having all the necessary elements for successful remote work in place.

Remote Access VPN with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)

Manage and protect every device in your environment.

In today’s ever-changing workplace, having a reliable way to securely communicate is absolutely essential. Salinas Business Phone Systems understand this necessity and is proud to provide businesses with a comprehensive remote access VPN solution. This powerful platform gives employees the ability to remotely access any applications and data that they need, no matter where they are located. With state-of-the-art protection and encryption, you can rest assured that your digital assets will remain safe and secure while working remotely. Let Salinas Business Phone Systems get one step ahead of the competition by implementing our convenient teleportation communication solutions – the only choice for reliable remote collaboration.

The power of a secure virtual private network (VPN) is unparalleled when it comes to providing access to applications and data for authorized users. Its multifactor authentication, using MFA, provides further assurance that only the rightful personnel can access the VPN. To increase convenience, Cloud Directory helps simplify authentication by centralizing user directories from various third-party integrations so you can better protect against malicious intruders seeking access. Our comprehensive IT and security solution then enables connectivity for all devices across your network—not only allowing for greater peace of mind but also facilitating a single point of contact for all your business needs.

Remote access Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are invaluable technology for organizations who need to provide a secure and convenient access to their corporate resources. In order to ensure the highest level of security and mitigate risks, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is implemented as an extra layer of protection on these VPN gateways. MFA requires more than one form of user authentication, such as combining passwords with hardware tokens or biometric information. This combination not only allows easy access to corporate resources but also verifies each user’s identity and further limits their access according to pre-set parameters. Due to its ability to provide added security and convenience, MFA is essential for any organization managing multiple remote users needing secure access to corporate resources.

Cloud Directory is a robust identity and access management solution that provides enhanced security, streamlined compliance efforts, and an easy-to-use interface. Organizations can use Cloud Directory to manage user accounts, applications & devices while protecting against unauthorized access in one unified platform. Streamlining the process of external signing credentials enables authorized users to securely connect with their corporate resources via desktop computer or mobile device without worrying about extra expenditure or implementation complexity. In today’s business world it is essential for companies to have a comprehensive plan in place when securing sensitive organizational data—which Cloud Directory facilitates effortlessly!


In today’s business climate, the ever-increasing number of dispersed workforces and telecommuting opportunities presents significant challenges for managing data security. To address this concern, remote access VPNs have become a vital tool in ensuring security while granting employees access to corporate networks from outside the office. By creating an encrypted tunnel between the employee’s device and the corporate network, these technologies protect against potential threats such as hacking and data breaches. The use of remote access VPNs not only provide an essential level of data security but can also offer additional benefits like anonymous web browsing and access to geographically restricted content. Using these tools wisely can help businesses maintain the integrity of their data while expanding opportunities to enable a geographically dispersed workforce.

Security + MFA

With an increasing proportion of employees working remotely, businesses have to face the security challenges that come with this shift. To safeguard their network without compromising user experience, businesses must implement a remote access Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN helps authorized users to securely access needed applications and data within the corporate network. Taking network security one step further, it is advantageous for organizations to establish a multi-factor authentication (MFA) protocol alongside their remote access VPN. This combination of layers provides extensive protection from unauthorized access and enables businesses to authenticate their users more reliably. When put together, businesses benefit from enhanced protection and more effective user authentication measures provided by the two combined layers of security.

Any Device, Anywhere

The modern workplace is rapidly changing, and thanks to technological advances, employees have the freedom to work where they need to. While this increased range of locations has opened up a world of possibilities for employees, it also presents challenges in asset management and security. That’s why directory synchronization is becoming increasingly common. By pulling together multiple directories into one centralized account, businesses can ensure their data is secure no matter how far and wide their workers roam. This allows companies to maintain the necessary control over their assets while also allowing their teams the flexibility they need to be successful. With directory synchronization, businesses can ensure that only authorized personnel are able to access sensitive resources quickly and easily – making it an essential tool for the modern workplace.

Efficient Management & Billing

At Salinas Business Phone Systems, we understand that cost savings play a key role in maintaining the success and long-term competitiveness of businesses. To address this, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that are tailor-made to meet each customer’s individual needs. Our SD-WAN solutions deliver superior network cost savings while our state-of-the-art Advanced Edge Security solution provides robust data protection. In addition, our uniquely flexible billing system ensures that customers only pay for the users who actually logged in throughout the course of any given month – offering unparalleled cost efficiency. We invite those seeking a secure and financially advantageous solution to get in touch directly with us so they can swiftly reap all the benefits Salinas Business Phone Systems has to offer and have peace of mind knowing their business is fully covered.